Friday, December 28, 2007

I don't want to get rusty

Because I don't want to lose the mapmaking skills I've gained, I created this map of the Rowan journalism majors. It's not totally final yet -- I need to work on some of the aesthetics -- but it ain't half-bad.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Holiday gift for the map lover in your family

The author Vincent Virga was featured during a segment of NPR's "Talk of the Nation" today, Wed., Dec. 12, talking about his new book, "Cartographia." Here is the link to the show, where you can listen to the program and view some of the maps from his book.
He made several interesting points, one of which really struck me. He said mapmaking is about power -- those in power get to make the maps. Why else, he said, would Europe -- a peninsula smaller than India -- be a whole continent, while India is not? Food for thought!

My final Nike missile map

With the Rowan public folders being their typical fussy selves, I have stored my final map at this location.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Final project nearly there

Nearly there: Everything I want to do from here on out involves aesthetics, design, etc. Maybe changing the symbols (again!), realigning the main map to center it, etc. But I will be honest: I think this will work, if necessary.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Working on my final mapping project

Here are some early snapshots of my final project, as of Friday, Dec. 7:
This is an ArcGIS map of the .kml data imported from Google Earth of all 250 missile locations across the United States.
This is a close-in shot of the East Coast/New Jersey area
This is my tentative layout, using the default Layer Labeling.
This is the same look, but with my own labeling. I removed the names of the counties I do not want, and I capitalized the county names, so as to use Upper/Lower style for the missile sites.
This one adjusts some of the positioning, such as the off-center title, and adds a compass to the larger image.