Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Not part of the "in" crowd

Here's a piece about the (as-yet) failings of the New Urbanism movement to change our landscape, except on the periphery and a few other spots (we call this spot "anti-zoning"?). Some interesting points here. I wonder, too, whether the New Urbanists are "uncool," as this piece suggests, because they often are neo-traditionalists with a kind of back-to-the-future mind-set, perhaps even nostalgic. Nostalgic to a fault?
This writer also raises a point about NU's "insular mentality." Here, too, I agree. McDonald's Dollar Menu commercials aside, folks, the dollar's dropping: $185 to join the Movement at Congress for New Urbanism? $375 at Urban Land Institute? That's at least a few tanks of gas.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

A shout-out to not-just-any blogger

City planning officials in Oak Harbor, Washington, have opened a blog where citizens can comment on development issues. A local newsaper wrote a piece on it.
This sounds like a worthwhile idea for all sorts of organizations; a good way to keep the citizenry involved.