Tuesday, January 20, 2009

President Hoover's other legacy

Citiwire.net's Rick Cole writes in his latest column that, as Commerce Secretary, Herbert Hoover championed the zoning laws we have today. Cole goes on to note that today's real estate collapse gives America the change to rewrite the zoning codes to solve today's sprawl-centered challenges.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Crime "wave"?

My new favorite site, Directions Magazine, has a great piece about how the media are employing GIS and maps to detail crime figures. This offers many great examples, and reinforces the type of reporting that can be accomplished using GIS.

COGO urges centralized GIS at fed level

The Coalition of Geospatial Oversight, a subgroup of the Urban and Regional Information Systems Associaton, reports that some 30 congressional committees and 40 federal agencies have some sort of oversight roles in geospatial matters at the federal level, and suggests that the new Congress establish oversight in a single location in each the House and Senate.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Mitch Albom stands up for Detroit

Some folks think the famed Detroit columnist can get a little schmaltzy, but this piece in the latest Sports Illustrated makes you want to cheer for the Motor City.