Monday, September 10, 2007


It was surprisingly easy to create a blog. This is one of a few that I've created, but it has been dormant forever.
This should be easy to turn in assignments. I don't anticpate any problems.
I also have a blog I created after taking Land Use, titled:, another (sadly) dormant blog about cemetery use in the United States.
Google Earth is a fun tool. I learned about last January, when I took Dr. Hasse's Land Use class. But we must remember that it is only a tool. For instance, the link to my house below had to be, um, tampered with, to point out my exact home location. Google got me in the neighborhood, but not to the home itself. Then there is the swimming pool in my back yard that hasn't been there for about 5-6 years. So, someone who thinks I have a pool is grossly mistaken. Then there is the case of someone I know who needed directions in Cherry Hill and found an aerial shot of Garden State Park racetrack (RIP). So, have fun with this, but don't let it be a substitute for legwork.

-30- (this is a newspaper symbol signifying the end of a story)

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