Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Exercise 9 (subtitled, Overcoming Cartographer's Block)

I had trouble coming up with something creative from the data presented for Exercise 9, but remembered seeing something in our text that I thought could be applied. I found a county-by-county chart from USA Today on how New Jersey went during the 2004 presidential election between John Kerry and George W. Bush. The Garden State is assumed to be a Democrat stronghold -- a blue state -- but examination of the data, as presented here, shows otherwise. Not the most original creation, but I think I did what was necessary, including playing with fonts (I like Arial, for the most part, though I had to tweak to get it to work well), color and placement of type, colors of the counties themselves (I wonder if the person who decided on blue and red got a patent), locating symbols, and other things. Many thanks, as always, to Dr. Hasse for his help on the legend.
I was unhappy with the scale bar; I just knew it was not right. I went over things in my head and determined that perhaps putting on a scale bar early, before I blew up the map, rendered it inaccurate once I did increase the size of NJ. Sure enough, I deleted what I had, and inserted a new scale bar, and Voila! Accuracy!
Now, who wants this info for 2008 ... Rudy? Hillary?

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