Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Here is my latest version of Exercise 4, a map marking elevation and population density in Washington Township, Gloucester County, NJ. As you can see, I'm still trying to figure out how to get rid of the chatter amid the legends. We'll try to get that fixed.
As for my critique of the cartographic design: As I expressed at the bottom of my map, the color scheme for the Elevation portion is not your typical color scheme and, in fact, makes it difficult to comprehend. Additionally, in looking at these two parts, side by side, it's not easy to recognize that they are both representations of the same place. The Elevation section actually looks larger than the Population Density section (and, if I may say so, looks a bit like a human heart). I also don't like the size and location of the Elevation legend; first, it cuts into a portion of the map with the shaded box around it, plus it leaves a lot of dead air underneath a good bit of that map. I think the overall appearance of the Population Density segments is better. It's easy to tell that the higher densities are represented by the darker colors (brown & gold = Rowan?); I am a fan of this kind of color range, because it shows the relationships among sections. I chose the pink-to-red scale for mine, because I think it shows the same thing. Somewhere in my text, as well, I read that we older folks like a map like this -- as opposed to one with many different colors -- because they are easier on the eyes.

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