Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Here are the three maps created for this exercise:
Transport of Gloucester County
Physical Features of Gloucester County
Flood-prone areas of Gloucester County
I finally worked out the bugs. I originally was bleeped off at myself for not remembering to change the color of the roads until after I was done on Wednesday. I thought that if that's the worst thing I've done, then I'm fine.
Then, I came in Thursday and tried an experiment. Working without a net (no instructions), I loaded up an empty map and ArcCatalog, connected to the GC folder, switched the new, empty map to Layout Mode, added the Transport layer, clicked on the Roads Properties, and changed the color to something I thought would work better in contrast with the railroads, then saved the new version and exported the new version as a .jpg. I also did something similar with my Flood-prone map, when I realized two of the categories looked too similar. Doing this, I kept the original data the way it was, back in the GC folder. (Then, of course, on my way to work two hours later, it dawned on me that these latest versions of Transport and Flood-prone don't have my name on them -- I need to create a checklist for myself!)
Interesting process overall. When I was at the lab on Wednesday, I thought I had done OK by creating all of the layers by right-clicking each time, and I even got the maps to show up on my screen. Then, I closed out and opened back up, only to find those dreaded red exclamation points! I deleted all the layers and began again, using the drop-down File menu, etc., and making sure I stored the relative paths.
Here is an early version of the map with all of the layers, presumably in some kind of order (from the ground up), from before I changed the Transport and FloodProne maps.
I'd like to do more of this work, so that I can get things down cold. Any places where I can do that?

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