Thursday, February 21, 2008

North Carolina's 21st-century vision

A while ago, I posted an essay I wrote on an earlier blog, imploring North Carolina not to become another New Jersey. It seems they are taking steps in the right direction -- at least some North Carolinians want to take steps in the right direction.
A former state transportation secretary is proposing a series of ideas to help fund "urban transit" in 21st-century North Carolina, specifically, creating a "congestion fund" to finance rail, port and other public transporation needs. Critics are sure to rail against any proposed tax increases, but a tiny increase has made the light rail in the Charlotte area an early success.
Says the official, Sam Hunt:
"The congestion and the growth in these urban areas is a reality that can't
be ignored. If we don't come up with money to answer these needs, then the rural
areas can rest assured that their money will be transferred to those urban areas
-- because that's where the people are and that's where you have a majority of
the votes. So unless you come up with revenue to solve their problem, in the
long run the rural areas will lose, too."

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